

Garters are an element of clothing that hardly anyone remembers nowadays. Once an indispensable component of every outfit, today a relic of the past, which we remember only in the context of specific celebrations, such as a prom or wedding. However, it is worth knowing that garters can also be used without any occasion - to feel beautiful and sexy. Find out why garters are worn and how to match them to a specific outfit.

What are garters for?

In the past, they were primarily used to support stockings, which were not as flexible as those produced today, so they often fell and slipped off the legs. In this context, garters were primarily practical - they were usually equipped with special buckles that allowed the stockings to be kept in check. Interestingly, in medieval times they were used by both men and women. So they were an essential element of almost every wardrobe.

Currently, their role is much smaller - due to the fact that most women prefer self-supporting stockings, the usefulness of garters has significantly decreased. But that doesn't mean they're completely out of fashion.

What are garters for? When is it worth using them?

In Poland, garters are an essential element of every future bride's wardrobe, but many people wonder what a garter means on this special day.

Huge popularity is associated primarily with superstition - wearing a garter is supposed to bring a happy marriage to the couple, and to ensure complete fidelity to the future wife of her husband. Usually, most brides opt for a traditional white garter, but more and more often we can also meet a wedding garter decorated with blue elements - thanks to this, the future bride can check "something blue" off her list.

The garter is also a great idea for a gift - both from the husband and bridesmaid or witness. Then it will also acquire sentimental value. When buying the perfect garter, it is worth bearing in mind the cut of the dress - in the case of very fitted models, it is better to choose a smooth garter that will not be visible under the dress. However, if the bride has opted for a princess cut, beware of hooking embellishments that can fray the delicate fabric of the dress.

What is the garter on the prom for?

According to tradition, girls preparing for the matura exam wear red garters during the prom. This custom has been functioning for many years, but not everyone knows what a garter means in this context.

As in the case of a wedding, it is supposed to provide future high school graduates with good luck during exams. It is important that graduate students wear it throughout the night of fun - then they will pass their exams successfully. It is also very popular to wear red underwear, which also brings success. Future high school graduates should wear the same set for the exam.

Choosing the right garter for the prom, it is worth thinking carefully about our styling. According to tradition, most high school graduates pose for photos, showing this element of the outfit, so it is good to match the garter to the dress itself. Above all, lace models look beautiful, which beautifully stand out from tights or stockings. All kinds of decorations, such as bows or sequins, are also very popular. In the case of the latter, be careful - if you plan to wear a silk dress, sharp elements of the garter - such as the aforementioned sequins or diamonds - can catch on the delicate material.

Classic garter - on which leg should it be worn?

Both in the case of weddings and proms, it is assumed that the garter should be worn on the left leg - thanks to this, it is closer to the heart, which ensures happiness for the wearer.

However, if you decide to wear the garter on a daily basis - it does not matter much. A very interesting solution is also the investment in a special garter belt, which will look great in combination with garters.

Garters - where to buy?

You can buy both wedding and prom garters or everyday garters in almost any lingerie store. It happens that a wide selection of garters can also be found in local haberdashery shops.

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