

Prom is one of the most important events in the life of every high school student. It is also almost the last opportunity for the whole class to have fun together before each of the future graduates starts to realize their life plans. On this special day, an important role is played by the outfit that must meet several expectations. According to tradition, boys should invest in a new suit, while girls in elegant dresses and ... garters.

What is a prom garter for?

Celebrations such as proms or weddings play a very important role in our culture. The prom is a symbolic entry into the adult world for high school students. After all, it is not without reason that the matura exams that follow the graduation ceremony are called the maturity exam. Therefore, it is customary to observe a few superstitions that are supposed to bring good luck to the test takers.

As for men, they should invest in a new suit - supposedly this type of purchase is supposed to ensure them a good exam result. You can also often find information that in order to ensure additional success, boys should wear a red tie to the prom.

For girls, the situation is much more complicated. First of all, ladies should wear red underwear - as in the case of a tie - it is supposed to bring good luck. According to popular superstition, you can't take your shoes off at the prom. Doing so not only brings bad luck, but can also affect your exam results. This is another argument for investing in comfortable footwear for this type of event. Staying on the topic of wardrobe, many sources also say that runs or holes in tights that appear during the prom are a bad omen, so you should be careful.

Although such superstitions could be multiplied almost indefinitely, it should be remembered that this is just a game. There's no need to take them too seriously. Some of them, such as the red garter, have already become an element of tradition, the original meaning of which hardly anyone remembers. Hence, many girls wonder why the red prom garter has become such an important component of every prom.

What prom garter to choose?

During pre-graduation shopping, many graduates initially hesitate whether to wear a garter at the prom. It's a pretty old custom after all. Another contentious issue is also what color of the garter the future high school graduate should choose.

Why red garter at prom - does the color matter?

According to tradition, every student should wear a red garter at the prom. This color is not only supposed to bring luck, but also to give courage. This is especially important because it is assumed that the garter that is worn for the prom should also be worn on the day of the exam. Then it will bring additional success. Importantly, the garter should be worn on the left leg, so the one closest to the heart.

How to choose a garter?

Fortunately, in stores we will find many different styles of garters that can easily match our styling. Although it is an element of the wardrobe that is not visible at first glance, it is worth considering a few issues before buying.

First of all, the garter style should match the dress. In the case of a more tight-fitting creation, try to avoid garters with a lot of material, because it can be seen under the dress. However, if your dress is made of a delicate fabric, for example silk, watch out for any hooking elements, such as sequins or rhinestones - they can damage the material while partying. In the case of flared dresses, we have a much wider choice - here we are only limited by our imagination. A wide selection of garters can be found, for example, in the storehttps://www.bagatelle.sklep.pl/podwiazki-c105.

Classic lace garters, which look beautiful in photoshoots, where girls show their left leg, are very popular. Garters in the form of stripes are also an interesting solution - they not only beautifully emphasize the thigh, but also work great with narrow and bodycon dresses. Increasingly, we can also meet garters with additional chains that look beautiful on the leg.

When it comes to color, it's best to go for classic red - not only for luck, but also for aesthetics - when posing for group photos, garters of a similar color look best. We recommend avoiding pink or burgundy and leave these types of colors for another occasion.

When buying a garter, it is also worth taking a moment to adjust the size. Although most models are one size fits all, the actual bandwidth may vary slightly. It's best to try on several models to make sure that the garter you choose will not slip off your leg during play.

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